Just the other day I was having a discussion with a buddy from back home in Phoenix about his recent relationship; the pro's, the con's, the good, the bad, and the reason behind the unexpected break up. I asked, "What is the point in dating someone that you will never marry? What is the point in never wanting to get married?"
He replied, "I am not ready to settle down. I want to travel, enjoy my time, head out of town when I want, and return when I want. Not a bad life, and I am not ready to give that up."
It seems that all to often this is the perspective of the average person. We instantly relate marriage to "the end".
We relate commitment to boredom.
We relate forever with with the "same old".
I have been married for 4 months going on 5 and yes, I know that I am no expert on the subject nor do I have enough experience to be telling others how this whole thing works. To tell you the truth I had those same concerns upon getting engaged. My life may be over...I am with one person for the rest of my life...no more random surf trips...no more late night soccer games and hang sessions...no more freedom.
But I quickly realized how wrong I was...how completely ignorant I was to this idea of marriage and the joy that comes with it. A little over a year ago I met the love of my life and in no way, shape or form did I expect the adventure that would come. I had no idea that all of the presuppositions that I put on marriage would be shattered in less then a month of embarking on the greatest adventure I would ever have.
This is a list of a few reasons why I love the adventure of marriage:
- Every morning is a new adventure. No its not one long adventure but every day I wake up ready to take on this adventure of sharing my life with someone else.
- Waking up next to a smile and kiss every single day.
- Nasty morning breath isn't so nasty.
- I have loved a dog. I have loved my friends. I have loved my family. But I can tell you that nothing comes close to the love you share within the confines of marriage. I loved my wife before we got married. It's on a entirely different level now.
- I can honestly say that I have done way more things in this past year then I did in the past five years...moving across country, baby on the way, new job, traveling to different southern states, and making new friends. All due to the "push" I had from my wife.
- Coming home, knowing, that no matter how terrible of a day I had, someone still wants to here about it.
- Finding pleasure in the simplicity of a take out dinner and a redboxed movie.
- Dogs on dogs on dogs.
- Ever used someone else's toothbrush? I can now check that off the list. (Sorry babe. It was an accident.)
- Married couple dates are the best dates.
- Farting and burping no longer become that uncomfortable posture because you have to hold it in.
- Facebook hacking on a whole new level.
- Poop suddenly becomes a regular topic of discussion.
- Realizing that there is more then one way (your way) to fold laundry, do dishes, make a bed, clean the floors and tell a story.
- While getting ready used to take twenty minutes, it now takes two hours.
- Life is so much better when you get to share big moments with someone you love.
And like I said those are just a few reasons. I guess what I am trying to say is that just because you are sacrificing yourself and submitting yourself to someone else does not mean that you are done living.
I promised to sacrifice myself everyday for the rest of my life to my wife, and although I am learning something new every day to this life style, I am incredibly thankful God has blessed me with someone that I can humbly submit myself to. There is no other way that I would rather live.
I guess this is how we have to take out dog out to use the restroom when it is pouring rain. How privalaged he is...it's like dog's are the masters and we are the slaves. Just hanging on every last request they have.
My wife tends to talk to dogs like they understand her. It's funny. She also gives her blankets up for them.
Like if she notices she is cold, the dog must be cold, so lets give them our clean blankets to cuddle on. We don't use them anyways...
Like this.
I love sleeping with this little guy up against my back so I can't move away from the inch of space I have on the edge of the bed. After all, he weighs 8 pounds and needs all the space he can get.
Everyday I get to drive through some awesome landscapes. Whether that be on the way to the grocery store, on my way to Lexington, or down the street to downtown Danville, I am constantly admiring the work God has placed before my eyes.
It's amazing to me that at times I have questioned God's existence and yes I am ok with admitting that.
Through times of pain, struggle, divorce of loved ones, drugs and alcohol, and shattered relationships, I vividly remember cursing God, claiming he didn't exist. I needed proof. How could a God do this to anyone.
And although that is besides the point, God gives us proof every day that He is present and His creation shows us His beauty.
I pass this bridge over this canyon every other day and rarely take the time to observe it. I am listening to music or podcasts, driving way to fast and thinking of the meetings to come.
God shows himself to us all around. It's just a habit of ours to overlook it due to worldly desires and wants.
Slowing down to take a look every now and then isn't such a bad thing. We rush through this life heading to the next calendar event, spilling our overfilled coffee on the way to another meeting, running a red light to save us the agony of wasting a few minutes at a stoplight.
Today, I had a meeting with a student of my church and her mother. I hadn't planned on it taking any longer than 30 minutes. It was four o'clock, we both had families, and with the rain coming, I am sure we both wanted to be home. But as the half hour mark passed, our discussion went on, the rain came, and in result, I am so thankful that our "meeting" went over.
Time has no restraints on people and relationships, and I think we all need to notice that a little more often.
Savor interruptions. Sometimes they bring the greatest joy one can receive.
This little guy is growing up rather quickly. He is doing that boy dog thing that no one likes on things. It's weird and awkward.
Tips make me uncomfortable and vacuum stores seem to be pointless. You never see anyone in them, yet there are always there.
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." -- Robert Frost.
Until next time.
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