Thursday, August 21, 2014

Life as I know it.


As this is my first blog I really do not know what to say.  I assume I will just write and enjoy the peace I find in expressing the thoughts that build up in my head.  I often get told that I bottle things up, so I guess this will do. 

Over the past ten months I have been involved in the Residency program at Christ Church of the Valley.  I could not have asked for a better ten months.  I made some relationships and memories that I will remember for the rest of my life.

I was recently married to my smoking hot wife Mercedes Doyle.  She is legit.


Her heart for Gods ministry and people is something I admire deeply about her and one day I only hope that I can half the heart that she has.

She has a tendency to brush her teeth differently then me which drives me crazy...who puts water on their tooth brush before the tooth paste? Crazy people, that's who. She takes a long time to get ready for bed.  She starts at 9 and gets in bed around 12.

She has the best natural smile I have ever seen.  I mean look a those braces.  I question her decision making sometimes on why she would even consider marrying someone like me. 

She has beautiful, nice feet as well.  You know, the kind of feet that you look at and find that every toe is in perfect alignment with the one in front of it.  I hate dirty and nasty feet.  Like when people where flip flops and their feet turn black on the sides. 

Don't mind my feet.  They look like hobbit feet. 

She does this thing where she makes weird faces and she doesn't even know when she is doing it.


I have a dog named Marley.  She likes big bones.  And to eat rocks.  One time I came across her dry heaving and she threw up 8 rocks.

She also knows how to talk and sometimes I think she is plotting to take over my household.  Ask any of my old roommates.  Its happening.


And when ever I bathe her she tends to run into my closet, soaking wet, and hide under my shirts...cause that is something you want all over the bottom of your shirts.


There are not a lot of things that one can do in life that brings as much peace as skateboarding and surfing.  Two of the most freeing activities that I believe one can partake in.  Being in the ocean and understanding that you are at the mercy of something so much bigger then your self is such a humbling experience. 

There is truly nothing quite like riding a wave.

 And then getting to be apart of that experience within the company of great buds is the icing on the cake.
This is Bobby.  He is a surf buddy.


This is Jake.  He is a skate buddy.


My sister is my best friend.  She has the ability to make me laugh at every second of the day.  She is beautiful inside and out and I would not trade her for the world.

She has a passion for special needs children.

She is also a Disney fanatic and can sing about every Disney tune, word for word.  She has sweaty palms.


This past year has been a whirlwind of struggles and countless assumptions that I had everything figured out.  I knew exactly what I wanted my life to be and I knew exactly where I wanted to end up.  That was until God took my life and turned it upside down. 

I am now moving across the country to Kentucky to begin a life with my beautiful new wife.  I went to college in the South for a year and always prayed I would live somewhere like that. 

God has an incredible sense of humor...

I ate at this Chinese food place where they gave me a spork...interesting contraption.  Needless to say, it was quite useless.


Robert Frost said, "Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the one less traveled by and that has made all the difference."  I like that.

Until next time.


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