My fellow Americans,
This happened yesterday. It was awesome.
And upon buying this watermelon, it took me back to my childhood. Playing outside, in the heat of Arizona, equivalent to a furnace, and coming home to my mom's freshly cut watermelon. Was the best ever.
I actually had to look up how to pick a good one. No one likes a bad watermelon. The disappointment in cutting up an 15 lb. watermelon and realizing it is horrible. Worst feeling ever.
And to add to that feeling, having to finish it because no one wants to throw away a 15 lb. watermelon that you paid for.
But the real significance of yesterday, the 4th of July, is not a watermelon. It is not a hot summer day, a good BBQ, a nice dip in the pool, or a great firework show.
I was laying in bed last night, trying to fall asleep, and all I could here were the blasts and bangs from the fireworks out my window.
(PS...they are legal here, which is awesome, and annoying all at the same time. Everyone loves trying to sleep while every neighbor on your street is blowing up anything they can find in their yard.)
Anyways, I laid in bed, eyes closed and just listened to the fire works. I remember turning over to my wife and saying "I wonder if this is what it sounds like in war trying to sleep?" And instantly my mind goes on to wonder about that experience. In no way am I saying this is anything close to what it must be like. I know it is far worse I am sure, and I have only heard stories. But my mind endlessly wandered back to those stories.
July 4th is celebrated by so many, preparing for the best BBQ ever, followed by drinking, swimming, and laughing, while remembering our independence. But often times I see this all to much, and upon observing these actions we forget why we can even celebrate our independence. That we get to celebrate due to the thousands and thousands of troops that have fought, are still fighting, and have died on the battle field.
Consumed by firework smoke, grill heat, cool pools and cold ones, lets not forget the real reason we celebrate the 4th. Let us never forget that there was a price for our freedom. It was not free. And I am forever thankful to those men throughout history that gave up everything so that I could have everything. I can never pay you back. You are the real heroes.
Just the other day, I tried my first fried pickle.
A bit skeptical to the whole idea of a fried pickle but I was mistakenly surprised as to how delicious it was.
And I scored by receiving the pickle that was attached to another pickle. Made it extra delicious.
I am thankful for friends.
I am thankful for the bond formed over time between people.
I am thankful for accountability and concern that friends give.
I am thankful for the love of a friend.
It is a blessing. Being able to laugh, cry, encourage, travel, live, grow, fall, and achieve together is something that I will always remember.
Pictured here is Adam squared. (Both named Adam. Some mathematical humor...hopefully.) And this is just a moment that I can recall out of hundreds. Both Godly men, one being a Godly husband, Christ like in all they do, I can never repay them for their counsel and friendship.
Don't give up on friends and don't do life alone. We were never meant to do life alone. We were meant to be in community, doing life together. Don't abuse that gift.
People are awesome and relationships with people are even better. Invest in them, build them and keep them. Because when it comes down to it, and the end of your time here, there is only one thing that matters; how you impacted those around you.
(Disregard my disgusting mustache thing...I was forced. But these people are legit. Couldn't pick anyone better to do ministry with.)
Doesn't matter how much money you have, the things you collected, the huge house you bought and the fancy cars you drive. But what truly matters is who you invested in and the relationships you built here on earth. People matter. When the money is gone, the house is gone, the car, the health, the "things", the time we have pursued are gone, we will always be able to turn to those beside us and wrap an arm around them.
That is true wealth. Never lose sight of that.
I have made that mistake in the past and I extremely regret my decision. Picking up broken pieces is a lot easier when you are not on your hands and knees alone.
Cherish it. Focus on it. Make memories. People are more important than the time we have. Make time for people.
Everything tastes better with a coke.
Literally, anything is better with a coke. Sleeping, cooking, eating, watching TV, writing, driving. The cold on your fingertips. The smooth glass. I mean hey, even going to the bathroom with a coke could be enjoyed.
Unless the toilet paper holder is on the left side of you, rather then the right. That is annoying and drives me crazy. I feel like I have to re-learn how to use the restroom.
Just recently I began the third season of "Dexter". Not only is this show a bit evil, but Miguel Proddo, a detective, looks just like my father in law and talks just like him. Although Miguel is Cuban, it's still intriguing and every time I watch it I find myself replacing Miguel's face with Rudy's.
This could be a weight on our relationship because Miguel uses guns a lot. Ill stay on his good side.
Have you ever been to a church camp? Specifically one with a bunch of high schoolers? It is awesome and I would never trade it for anything. here are just a few pictures from our recent trip to Florida with our High School Ministry:
I pray that at some point in your life, you get the opportunity to experience hundreds of high schoolers worshipping. It is one of the most peaceful, filling, sounds you will ever here. To think that everyone of these students comes from somewhere different, drugs, alcohol, abuse, lies, corrupt families, bad relationships and a lost soul. But yet, in unison they sing together to a God that can change it all. Best experience ever.
(Pictured above are students from Danville. Best bunch of students you'll ever meet. Hands down.)
And lastly, this picture. This may look like a ballon tent. A bunch of strands with white balloons tied to them. But there is a story here. A pretty awesome one. Each ballon represents a student, each string represents the church, and all strings together represent the world.
We are all in this together (while singing high school musical). We are a community. And together we can change the world. We really can. Our next generation of leaders are amazing, smart, Christ like individuals with the understanding of the Kingdom that I wish I would of had in high school. I saw brilliance this week in the hearts of everyone. Their care, love, grace, and compassion for the world is something that can't be matched.
Grateful to serve God in this area of ministry.
Over the past year, a lot has happened. I met my wife June 12th, 2013, asked her to marry me on September 12th, 2013, got married on April 12th, 2013, found out we were having a baby due in February, moved across the country to Kentucky, started a new job at Southland Christian Church, and I couldn't of asked for anything different.
I am extremely grateful for this year and the opportunity God has given me.
Life is going to throw stuff at you. Just depends on how you handle it. Roll with it and accept. Change is vital for growth.
Our baby is now the size of a grape, with no more tail, eyelids and teeth. Maybe it looks like an alien. Can't wait to meet him/her (but most definitely a him)
My wife is craving donuts...chocolate ones. Lots of them. And I love it. Who doesn't love donuts, especially when you get to share them with the most beautiful, funny, glowing individual in the world.
Go enjoy a donut. Every one needs a donut every now and then.
Until next time,
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