Friday, August 29, 2014

Scrap Books and Views of Opportunity

Hello from Kentucky,

Forced cuddle sessions are the best cuddle sessions.

Especially with this one.  You can tell that she loves it, and she never tries to wiggle her way out of them.  That's why I have to squeeze her so hard...

More fun facts about Benz...she has a double chin, snores, dreams every night while kicking me in the back, and farts irregularly.  I don't mind any of these except for the last; it is quite a fowl smell.

Also, she is more prone to any injury...sickness, infection, or breakout...than any human I know.

Just this past Tuesday, I had one of my first staff meetings at my new job.  Not only was it one of the best staff meetings I have ever been to, but I left that day with a golden nugget of information.

You know, everything in life has a golden nugget wrapped up inside of it.  It's just a matter of listening and more listening to truly comprehend and unravel it.

Anyways, we had the awesome opportunity of hearing from the founding pastor of the church I currently work at.  I had never met him, nor heard him speak, just knew of the legacy that he had left here. He is 85 years old, and laughed more then any speaker I have ever heard.  Through stories, jokes and lessons he was constantly laughing.  And there in lyes the golden nugget.  He was laughing on stage at a joke he was telling, and he said "At 85, you laugh with yourself."  He then went on to explain his favorite verse, which is Proverbs 17:22, "A merry heart does good like a medicine: but a broken spirit dries the bones."

This gave me pure joy.

To see a man, that has gone as far as he could go, lived his life fully for the glory of God, and understands that some times, you just need to laugh, was a true encouragement.  Sometimes you need to look at yourself and just laugh, right there in the moment.  We get so wrapped in the seriousness of life...this race track that we are all competing, that we forget to take it easy.  We forget that sometimes, all you need is a good chuckle.

Sometimes all you need is to let off the gas and coast.

Sometimes all you need is to look at the beauty in the passing.

Sometimes all you need is to  find joy in coming second.

Sometimes all you need is to believe something can be said for an incomplete day.

Sometimes all you need is to believe that numbers are not everything.

Sometimes all you need is to believe that you can stop.

And this, I think you for Wayne Smith.  I may have never met you...I never got to shake your hand, or talk face to face with you, but I am so thankful for your vision and the laughter you have had over the years.  I am honored to work upon the foundation that you laid.  I thank you, from the bottom of my heart.  And in your own words, "If you woke up in the morning, and didn't get paid, would you still do it.  See this should be a passion, not a profession."  I am happy that I wake up every morning and get to call what I do "my passion". 

Laugh in the good times and laugh in the bad.  Things will always turn up.

As Mercedes and I walked into Kroger the other day (for those in the West, it is that same a Fry's) we noticed this neat cork board with all sorts of adds on it.  Lost dogs, cars for sale, farmers market information, upcoming concerts and of course the annual BBQ Festival here in Danville.  

And then there was this...

Now I am not saying that they are not good, because references and 25+ years of experience is exactly what you would want out of a baby sitter. I just don't know how trusting I would be with a message written on a bright red poster board, in sharpie, by what looks like a five year old. 

As you can see, they have had a few bites.  Lets just hope they can change a diaper better then writing out their phone number.  Either way, you would of never seen this in Phoenix.  We had lack of community in Phoenix.  You can do this here because everyone knows everyone. 

And I like it.

It's great.

Super great.  I love that people know when I go to the grocery store, where I go to eat, what kind of car I drive, how many dogs I have, and what I look like standing on my front porch with a cup of coffee in my pajamas.  I mean just the other day, at the gym, some kid said "Do I know you from somewhere?".  The answer was yes.  I have seen you about ten times, at the same coffee shop since I have lived here.  I see people everyday that I know, out and about, and they know my name and I know theirs.   

Again I state, it's great.  I love my little town, which I now give the name, "Danvegas".

Mercedes and I embarked on a journey this week, and it was a journey for the books indeed.  Since being married, our lives have become extremely exciting.  So exciting, that we had some time on our hands this past weekend, so what did we do?  What any other 24 year old couple would do...make candles.  We are so hip and cool.

First we began by coating the inside of this mason jars with sprinkles...well my wife did.  

Then we went on to hot glue a wick to the bottom where that little circle was left open, which probably one of those most irritating thing ever.  Try getting your hand in a mason jar.  It's like trying to get a golf ball in the hole.  Difficult yes, and takes forever to do.  Something this frustrating shouldn't be repeated, but like golf, you keep trying.

And then the jar looks like this. 

And here is a the finished product.  Simply add scented oil to wax and BAM!  A million hours later, you have a candle that burns poorly and a wick that didn't stay straight and is now burning spinkles off the side...I'll take it.

And those are the exciting things we now do as a married couple. 

Well I also like to free style rap to the dogs while they stare at me in what seems to be a state of utter embarrassment but I know they love me.  They get up and walk away because they need to stretch...

You know whats really cool?  Our baby is now the size of an avocado!! It has toe nails and finger nails.  Mercedes can feel it moving in her belly and her stomach is becoming hard.  It's like a basketball.  

A basketball that I like to speak into and rub.  

Like a genie is going to come out. 

And since so many of you have been asking for a baby bump picture, and we have made you wait, I decided to post one here.  And of course it is with our dog, because what picture doesn't have our dog in it.

I remember once upon a time when I lived in AZ.  And I had easy access to the of the few things that I can honestly say relieves the weight from my shoulders.  And I remember being able to go there for a weekend and just observe.  Observe the beauty of God, while getting to enjoy it at the same time.

And I think a lot of times, we forget to just stop and enjoy the view.  Like I said earlier, we get so carried away with the pace at which life can only be done at now a  What if I don't want to live fast?  What if I want to live slow...what if I want to be the tortoise (after all he won the race).  Never really was fond of rabbits anyways.

It's as if performance is the only thing that is acceptable, and nothing short of advanced pace is acceptable.  If I don't succeed on the world's standard, then I wont succeed at all.  But what is the world's standard?  Who created it?  Who decided that I should be judged by a bunch of numbers and statistics?  Who decides what is "acceptable"? It's quite a pickle we have found ourselves in and I would rather not be stuck between a rock and a hard place.  A very, very intelligent person once said, a long, long time ago, "You shall not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow has enough worries of its own."

I think I will listen to Him.  He seemed to have it all figured out.  After all, He lived to tell the tale.

What if I don't want to think about tomorrow?  I was never promised tomorrow.  Except for what is promised from above, I was never guaranteed that the sun would come up tomorrow.  This could be the last you will ever hear from me for all we know.  And I cam completely ok with that.  I think I have fond peace in enjoying the view because I would rather have a scrap book of enjoyed moments, than many snap shots of missed opportunities.  

I guess all I am trying to say is take time to embrace what's around you.  For this is what makes us who we are.  This is what will continue to live once we are gone.

Coming all the way from Kentucky, this writing was crafted and constructed with much love.

Go out there and find something you love.  And once you find it, enjoy it.

This is the key.

Until next time,


Friday, August 22, 2014

Married Life with Added Puppies.

Just the other day I was having a discussion with a buddy from back home in Phoenix about his recent relationship; the pro's, the con's, the good, the bad, and the reason behind the unexpected break up.  I asked, "What is the point in dating someone that you will never marry?  What is the point in never wanting to get married?"  

He replied, "I am not ready to settle down.  I want to travel, enjoy my time, head out of town when I want, and return when I want.  Not a bad life, and I am not ready to give that up."

It seems that all to often this is the perspective of the average person.  We instantly relate marriage to "the end".  

We relate commitment to boredom.  

We relate forever with with the "same old".

I have been married for 4 months going on 5 and yes, I know that I am no expert on the subject nor do I have enough experience to be telling others how this whole thing works.  To tell you the truth I had those same concerns upon getting engaged.  My life may be over...I am with one person for the rest of my more random surf more late night soccer games and hang more freedom.

But I quickly realized how wrong I completely ignorant I was to this idea of marriage and the joy that comes with it.  A little over a year ago I met the love of my life and in no way, shape or form did I expect the adventure that would come.  I had no idea that all of the presuppositions that I put on marriage would be shattered in less then a month of embarking on the greatest adventure I would ever have.

This is a list of a few reasons why I love the adventure of marriage:
  • Every morning is a new adventure.  No its not one long adventure but every day I wake up ready to take on this adventure of sharing my life with someone else.
  • Waking up next to a smile and kiss every single day.
  • Nasty morning breath isn't so nasty.
  • I have loved a dog.  I have loved my friends.  I have loved my family.  But I can tell you that nothing comes close to the love you share within the confines of marriage.  I loved my wife before we got married.  It's on a entirely different level now.
  • I can honestly say that I have done way more things in this past year then I did in the past five years...moving across country, baby on the way, new job, traveling to different southern states, and making new friends.  All due to the "push" I had from my wife.
  • Coming home, knowing, that no matter how terrible of a day I had, someone still wants to here about it.
  • Finding pleasure in the simplicity of a take out dinner and a redboxed movie.
  • Dogs on dogs on dogs.
  • Ever used someone else's toothbrush? I can now check that off the list. (Sorry babe.  It was an accident.)
  • Married couple dates are the best dates.
  • Farting and burping no longer become that uncomfortable posture because you have to hold it in.
  • Facebook hacking on a whole new level.
  • Poop suddenly becomes a regular topic of discussion.
  • Realizing that there is more then one way (your way) to fold laundry, do dishes, make a bed, clean the floors and tell a story.
  • While getting ready used to take twenty minutes, it now takes two hours.
  • Life is so much better when you get to share big moments with someone you love.
And like I said those are just a few reasons.  I guess what I am trying to say is that just because you are sacrificing yourself and submitting yourself to someone else does not mean that you are done living.

I promised to sacrifice myself everyday for the rest of my life to my wife, and although I am learning something new every day to this life style, I am incredibly thankful God has blessed me with someone that I can humbly submit myself to.  There is no other way that I would rather live.


I guess this is how we have to take out dog out to use the restroom when it is pouring rain.  How privalaged he's like dog's are the masters and we are the slaves.  Just hanging on every last request they have.

My wife tends to talk to dogs like they understand her.  It's funny.  She also gives her blankets up for them.  

Like if she notices she is cold, the dog must be cold, so lets give them our clean blankets to cuddle on.  We don't use them anyways...

Like this.


I love sleeping with this little guy up against my back so I can't move away from the inch of space I have on the edge of the bed.  After all, he weighs 8 pounds and needs all the space he can get.
Everyday I get to drive through some awesome landscapes.  Whether that be on the way to the grocery store, on my way to Lexington, or down the street to downtown Danville, I am constantly admiring the work God has placed before my eyes.

It's amazing to me that at times I have questioned God's existence and yes I am ok with admitting that.  
Through times of pain, struggle, divorce of loved ones, drugs and alcohol, and shattered relationships, I vividly remember cursing God, claiming he didn't exist. I needed proof.  How could a God do this to anyone.

And although that is besides the point, God gives us proof every day that He is present and His creation shows us His beauty.


I pass this bridge over this canyon every other day and rarely take the time to observe it.  I am listening to music or podcasts, driving way to fast and thinking of the meetings to come.

God shows himself to us all around.  It's just a habit of ours to overlook it due to worldly desires and wants.

Slowing down to take a look every now and then isn't such a bad thing.  We rush through this life heading to the next calendar event, spilling our overfilled coffee on the way to another meeting, running a red light to save us the agony of wasting a few minutes at a stoplight.  

Today, I had a meeting with a student of my church and her mother.  I hadn't planned on it taking any longer than 30 minutes.  It was four o'clock, we both had families, and with the rain coming, I am sure we both wanted to be home.  But as the half hour mark passed, our discussion went on, the rain came, and in result, I am so thankful that our "meeting" went over.  

Time has no restraints on people and relationships, and I think we all need to notice that a little more often.  

Savor interruptions.  Sometimes they bring the greatest joy one can receive.

This little guy is growing up rather quickly.  He is doing that boy dog thing that no one likes on things.  It's weird and awkward.


Tips make me uncomfortable and vacuum stores seem to be pointless.  You never see anyone in them, yet there are always there.

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." -- Robert Frost.

Until next time.


Dog Problems and Faced Reality.

I love this picture.


I don't know about you guys, but I have heard a lot of bad things about pit bulls.  To tell you the truth, I never, ever thought I would own one because of the cruel brutality that they're known for.

Ripping other dogs to pieces...attacking babies...barking constantly...vicious teeth...and lock jaw.
Why would I ever want to own something like that?  And it was not until I met Benz (pit pictured above) that I began to realize the messed up thought process that we as humans have.  This dog is probably in the top five of the most loving, gentle, peaceful dogs I have ever come across.

Loves to cuddle...sleep...lick (almost to annoying state) smile.  I mean smile because this dog can really smile.  I couldn't of asked for a better dog, and I speak for Hurly as well.  Hurley looks up to her like a God.  

The lady across the street from us stares out her window at us when we bring her out front to play...then when we go inside, she comes out to smoke a cig...then right as we come back outside, she hurries inside, locks the door and stares at us through her blinds.

Isn't this just like human nature?  To instantly judge a book by it's cover. And the only reason I tell this story is to make the point that all to often, we take the outside...the box that something is packaged in...and place assumptions on that very something for the name it is given.  Sure I have had a crappy steak, but I didn't stop eating steak.  Yes, there is such a thing as a bad, soft, brown apple...but there a million to one delicious, crisp, sweet apples just alike.  Sure pit bulls have been known to be pretty vicious, but name a breed that hasn't and I'll give you a quarter...or many quarters.  I was attacked by a chihuahua once...I had nightmares, and not to mention tiny scratches all over my calves.  
The lady on last nights shark week episode said it perfectly,

"Like people make mistakes, so do sharks.  It just happened to make its mistake on me. Oh well."

See we tend to project certain characteristics on people because we have heard of things in the passed, came in contact with someone alike in the past, or have heard certain things about that certain person.  And all I have to say is everyone makes mistakes...every single, last, one of us has messed up. We are all short of perfection. Everyone in history has made mistakes.  There was one guy who never made a mistake...who was perfect...but we can save that conversation for another time.

Let's chose to love people rather than judge people.  Invest in people... get to know relationships with people.  Cause all in all, one bad apple doesn't ruin the whole bunch nor does one bad steak cause every other one to be cooked well-done.  

Never knew it would be comfortable to sleep like this...guess it's worth a shot.


Or like this...


Every morning I get the opportunity to wake up next to a beautiful tamale.  She is steaming hot and spicy.  This tamale is named Mercedes Doyle and I get to call her my wife.  Lucky me, she came with a warm heart, sarcastic humor and a knack for making me the giddiest person ever when she is around.

Not only that, but she drools on herself sometimes and it is extra attractive.

This tamale was wrapped 25 years ago today...with all the best ingredients.

-Patience (especially for someone like me and two dogs)
-Great facial expressions
-Not the best mathematic skills
-A heart for Jesus and people
And I love every single thing about her.  I wouldn't trade her for anything and she is served best with a side hot sauce...preferably Cholula or Tapatio.  

Happy Birthday babe! You da bomb diggity.

Here she is in all her glory!


I took Hurley in today to the vet...needless to say, it was very uncomfortable for me and I can't even imagine what it felt like for him.  

Two things up his that took a temp and one that pulled poop out.  I felt so bad for him, especially with all the people standing there and watching...I dread turning 50.

Never knew being an uncle would be this cool...even though I have yet to meet the little man, I am super stoked to be that uncle that takes him out and buys him what ever he wants, and spoils him, and then drops him back off at home with a sugar high and ice cream covered face.

This here is Braxton Matthew Baugh.  Gonna be a champ.


I have come to realize a few things this last week, thanks to a grape and dog.

#1:  Lost a grape and spent a few good moments looking for it.  Finally found it and saved me the discomfort of knowing that a grape would be rotting away somewhere attracting bugs and a stench.

#2:  I watched as my older dog let my younger dog, eat out of her bowl, despite her eating out of it first.

Now two lessons I found in these two incidents, people are worth searching for and sacrifice matters.  
We all know someone, like my grape that goes missing...gets lost, and we never search for them.  We don't care what happens and we just let them run off to rot.  

Jesus said in Luke 15, "Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home."

Lesson:  Find joy in bringing people home. 

Sacrifice is a foreign thing.  Who wants to give up something for someone else...its tough.  Its the selfish nature of humans.

Jesus says in John 15, "Great love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."
Sacrifice is love.  Funny how you can learn this from a dog.

Today we lost a good member of the family...a dear friend to my wife.  They had been with us since we started dating. Sorry to lose you buddy and farewell.


"Every body is a genius.  But if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will live it's whole life believing it is stupid." Albert Einstein

Love to all, and to all a good night.

Until next time.


Comfortably Crazy in the Holler.

I would say this picture sums it up pretty clearly.  No I did not take this, though I wish I had.  This was context of article: A guy rides this motorcycle around South Africa looking for the best waves, carrying only a tent, surfboard, and necessities.  Pretty awesome.  Thought I would share.


Have you ever looked back on your past and thought, "I hated that time in my life"?  Just recently I spoke with someone at my church who had gone through a hard time about three years ago.  Break up, depression and a few other circumstances had left him broken and let down.  And as we sat there and discussed, we came to a conclusion (whether we actually made it out to be a conclusion or I thought it was the conclusion, it was the conclusion):

The turmoil in our past is what God uses to mold us into the future, and we will forever be grateful for it.

No one likes to hear that.  No one thinks, "Man I love hard times and I hope they keep occurring because God is shaping me into something great."  I mean maybe some people think that way, but I know that I do not.  I can look back on multiple occasions and remember, with great detail, me hating what I was going through at that time.  Parents divorce, quitting soccer, break ups, name it; I hated it.

Did I hate God? No.  Did I hate myself? No.  Did I hate those involved? No.  I hated the feeling of defeat...the feeling of struggle...the feeling of weakness...the feeling of lose...sadness...doubt...frustration.  And the list goes on.

But, in spite of all this, I can honestly look back and know that there was a reason for it all.  Yes, there was a reason my parents got divorced.  Yes, there was a reason I left home and partied way to much.  Yes, there was a reason that I lived a second life.  Yes, there was a reason I went through multiple break ups. Yes, there was a reason I quit collegiate sports.  Yes...yes...yes.

Romans 5:3-5 says, "Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us."

I am thankful for the tests God puts me through.  I am thankful for loss and failure.  Life isn't suppose to be easy, nor is it meant to be planned.  If it were, imagine how boring life would be.  

Every situation is like a glass: You have two ways of looking at a glass...half empty or half full.  I guess it's your choice to decide which one it is.

I suggest, if you find a road like this, you should follow it.  Never know what may turn up.


May lead to something, or it may lead to nothing.  You'll never know until you follow it.  Thankfully my dog kept pulling me in this direction.

More often times then not, I forget to laugh. 

Laugh at life.

Laugh at myself.

Laugh at my decision making process.

Laugh at my horrible grammar.

Laugh at my wife.

Laughing is essential to healthy living, or at least in my heart it is.  Why spend the day frowning? Its horrible for you, horrible for others, and I don't know about you, but laughing is far more fun.  

This one makes me laugh quite often, and there is no one else in the world I would rather laugh with. 


I mean just last night, we laughed all night because our new dog was cuddling all over the place and acting funny.  

Oh...wait...yes...we got a new dog.  Crazy right? Baby on the way and we decide on a brand spanking new puppy.  Good thing I married a dog lover...she might as well be the dog whisperer.

Meet Hurley.  He is a pure bread Australian Shepherd and is already kicking butt.  Super stoked for another companion to fill the shoes of Marley.


He is so little a squishy, like a Furby...lets just hope it doesn't talk like one of those horrible toys.

On a side note, who ever invented a Furby was probably some what crazy cause things were scary, annoying, ugly, and extremely irritating...mine found its way to the trash in about 2 days.

Anyways, I suppose I'll throw a few more in just to bring joy and excitement to your day.



And you may ask, "Where did you happen to get him?"  Well I am glad you asked.

I have never been to a "holler".  Heard it in country songs half a dozen times, but still had yet to explore one, or let alone even know what it is.  

And for those of you who were in the same boat as me, a holler is a valley in between two hills or mountains in the south.  Either created by a river, or creek, or man made, it is a self-contained area, somewhat enclosed, out in the middle of know where.

Now I'll have to admit, I was somewhat nervous, following someone I'd never met out to their farm in a holler at dusk, but I am quite glad that I did.  Here is the holler:



Needless to say, these people could of killed us out there and no one would have ever known.

But it was beautiful.  Nothing like I have ever quite seen before.

People may call us crazy...engaged in four months, married in 10 months, move to Kentucky, pregnant in 1 month, and now another puppy.

Like our plates weren't full already.

But I'll tell you what, I would rather have a full plate then an empty one.  

I would rather bite off more then I could chew, then be starving for more.  

Life isn't about being satisfied, at least it isn't for me.  Life isn't about being comfortable.

My wife and I have come to the conclusion that we thrive on change.  Yes we like consistency, and rhythm, but being comfortable just isn't our cup of tea.

And I am glad to admit that.

People called us crazy when we got engaged, married, pregnant, moved and got a puppy.  And thank the Lord we are crazy, cause crazy is far more exciting, fun and entertaining then being comfortably normal.

Thrive in the changes of life and throw a curve ball every now and then.

Anyone can hit a fastball. 

And last week, I stuffed my face with these, and my fingers smelt like BBQ for a couple days.  It was a delicious couple of days.


Alice in "Alice in Wonderland" put it best:

"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense."

Until next time.