Instagram...what's there to say about it. Probably one of the most popular social networks in use today. Actually, coming in second to Facebook, Instagram holds that spot for people 18-34 years of age as being the most popular app used on a daily basis...150 million people visit the app daily, with 16 billion pictures shared and 1 billion likes. Thats every day. Pretty incredible.
And for me, I am one of those users. As much as I hate using it, I still find myself scrolling through that feed, letting the pictures lead my thumb to likes and comments. I tell my wife every now and again that I wish I could just get rid of it, along with every other social network I use because of the some what need to check them every minute of every day.
But there is something to say for it. The cool thing, is that I can go back, relook at my feed, and remember the times in which each picture was taken. They take me back to times in my life that were important enough to post for the world to see. To pictures like this:
11.15.2013 This was the moment that I made the best decision that I could ever make.
The moment I asked my beautiful wife to "merry" me (don't worry about the misspelling...just had to be there). Palms sweating, heart racing, I walked my wife out of the 9:30 church service to this lawn where I continued to stumble over my words as I dropped to one knee. Nervous for the answer she would give, I sat smiling as tears rolled down my face. With a yes, she stuck out her right hand (the wrong hand) for me to slide that ring on her finger. I instructed her on how things were normally done, and took her left hand. Grateful everyday for the path God has led us down.
And then to this:
05.01.2014 This was posted the moment that Mercedes and I decided to embark on an adventure that would change us forever.
I can't tell you what the best thing is for marriage, since I am no genius, but I do know that moving 27 hours away from family and comfort to a small town in rural Kentucky for my first job in ministry at a place called Southland, has done nothing but challenge and strengthen our relationship. It has been has been hard...but most importantly it has been the thing that shaped our faith and reliance on a God who will never fail us. A God that provides and loves His children.
Oh, and that picture on the bottom...that is from our honeymoon. She was smiling because we just went scuba diving and she was about to eat some yummy food. Of course, Mercedes smiles whenever food is coming so there is nothing surprising about this picture.
Next on the feed:
06.03.2014 Mhmmmm...this was taken just 12 days before I got to celebrate my first Father's Day, and also the day before we left for Kentucky.
It had been a long morning of I returned home, sweaty and parched, I walked into our empty home from packing for Kentucky and discovered a card on the dining room table. Tearing through the envelope, I opened my very first Father's Day card from my wife stating that I was going to be a daddy. My wife ran down the stairs, crying, and we wrapped each other up and cried together at the fact that we would be parents. The excitement was overwhelming, and just thinking about it now, tears begin to fill my eye sockets.
Like I stated, this was also taken the day before we left to drive across the country to our new home. Needless to say it was an emotional night.
06.15.2014 This was the very first picture that I ever took of our first home as a married couple.
This house is filled with so many memories...all 900 square feet of it. I remember putting up that American flag and thinking, "Man, this is really happening. My dreams are coming true." A wife, a baby on the way, a home and a new career. What else could I ask far as I was concerned, my life was beginning to shape into the life that I always had dreamt of and wanted over the years.
And then:
07.09.2014 This one right here is for you baby girl.
This was the moment that I first saw you forming in your Mother's womb. We cried and cried in that doctors office on 3rd street, thinking of the moment we would finally get to meet you and see your beautiful little face. We prayed, and prayed, and prayed for you to love Jesus and grow healthy. I just want you to know that your mother rocked it through, she killed it. Strongest woman I have ever met. Although through this time, you gave your mother some sickness, cramps and pains, you also gave her some cravings for soda, ice cream, chocolate and spicy food. This was a plus for dad because this means I got all these things to, with no guilty feeling...I was doing my duty. Needless to say, you were a blessing from the very beginning for both of us.
And then, and then:
08.04.2014 We decided that we couldn't wait for Fenway to come, so we thought adding another dog to our compound would be a good decision.
Meet Hurley. We picked him up far out in something called a holler. I had only heard of these in country songs previously, but now I can firmly state that I have been to one. A bit sketchy...following a beat up 4-runner out to the middle of nowhere to pick up a baby Australian Shepherd that we had only seen in pictures. I could of been driving to my death for all I knew, but it was a success and picked up this little bundle of joy who has been a hair pulling, stress giving, blood pressure raising child that we love to death. We are grateful for dogs and the unconditional love they share.
And then, and then, and then:
11.04.2014 These students right here are some of the most talented, Jesus loving, caring students that I have ever met.
Like I said previously, moving to Kentucky was due to getting my first job in ministry at a church called Southland. These are the students that fill the ministry I have grown to love. Every single one of these students in this picture, and I mean "every" one of them, has impacted our lives in ways that we could have never imagined. For instance, that kid in the middle, curly fro hair do, that is Leighton Colwick. Most living, caring, feeler in the entire world. Love him. Or the girl in the back with yellow sleeve, that is Hannah Draut. She loves the ministry...I mean loves it and has given her weekends and Wednesday nights to serving the Kingdom of God. Or what about that red head down front, that's Katie Johnson, and she has been the best dog sitter that we could of asked for...not only that, but her entire family (father standing in back yelling "YEAHHHHHHHH") have been an incredible family to us, showing us love in so many ways. And this is just naming a few of them...they have all been more than a blessing to us.
I won't say and then again:
11.22.2014 Exciting, yet, scary moment for me.
Found out we would be parenting a daughter. For some reason, I had just always pictured having a boy...when I thought about being a dad, I though of sports, and Legos, and camping and all sorts of things with my son. But I can tell you that now, I am even more excited to do all of these things with my daughter. I can't wait to show Fen what a man looks like...I can't wait to be the first man to call her beautiful. I can't wait to come home from a long day and have you run into my arms. I am so, so, so excited to watch you grow old Fen.
Almost there:
12.19.2014 This was my wife at about 7 months pregnant.
She is absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. And that is merely all I want to say with this picture. That my wife is drop-dead gorgeous. I mean look at that belly button poking out.
The best one of the year:
02.10.2015 Fenway, this was taken the day you were born,
You are my prize baby girl. You will always be my baby girl. I remember this day like it was yesterday. We arrived at 6:30pm on February 9th, at Ephraim McDowell Medical Centre on Main and began what would become two of the longest days I had ever experienced. Your mother began labor right when we arrived, and the pain was excruciating...well, I guess I wouldn't know but I could tell by her yelling and facial expressions that it was not great. I can still see those hospital halls passing as the hours passed. Countless walks up and down...up and down...holding your moms hand as she squeezed it for dear life, thinking they would never pass. And then the hour came...the hour my life changed forever. I watched you leave your mother and straight to her chest. You laid there, in warmth, feeling your mom's lungs expand with yours...what a sight to see. The love of my life, holding our daughter. This was a moment I have been thinking about since as long as I could remember.
Through the complications and struggles over broken clavicles and ribs, you persevered and made it through. I am so proud of you and can't wait to watch you grow into a beautiful woman of Christ. You are going to change the world Fen, and God will use you in amazing ways.
Last one, I promise:
05.10.2015 I posted this 5 days ago.
This is the mother of my child. She celebrated her first Mother's Day this year. I would just like to share the impact you have had on my life. I am stubborn, greedy, impatient, careless, self-centered, one-minded, angry, lost and irritating. But you still love me. Sometimes I wonder why, but regardless of the reason, I still get to fall asleep beside you and wake up to your beautiful self. It is amazing the love that one person can show to another. It is amazing that love you can feel for another. You show me the love of Christ daily, and I can not imagine my life without you doing it with me. Literally, as I look back over the last year of our life, I can not think of what it would be like if I was alone. I feel like you have been with me forever...even when I didn't know you, I feel like I still knew you. That seems weird I know, but you are the better half of myself that keeps me going. You push me through and guide me into the unknown, knowing that everything is going to be ok. Thank you for pursuing me daily and loving me when I do not deserve to be loved. Our girl is a very lucky girl to have a mother like you. You are da bomb diggity.
So there it is...that is a year in the compound to date. I hope this comes of some interest to you, and if not then I am sorry you read the whole thing and got to this point.
Gandalf the Grey, a wizard in Lord of The Rings, states at the beginning of The Fellowship of the Ring,
"A wizard is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to."
Yes, this is describing himself on an encounter with Frodo Baggins, where he accuses Gandalf of being late, but I can not help but relate this to life as a whole.
Life is going to happen exactly how it is suppose to. We do not know what is to come or where the path is going to lead. We think events come to early, and don't understand why they are taking forever. We pray for a wife, long for children, hope for change and wish that it would come when we want it. But that is the beautiful thing about is never late, nor early, but arrives precisely when it is meant to.
Do not get caught up wishing. Enjoy where you are...enjoy the spot you find yourself in today. As I look back over these photos and the year to date, I realize that this year has been awesome. Crazy and full of change, but awesome. Wouldn't of asked for it to be any other way.
A.A. Milne, author of Winnie the Pooh, wrote this dialogue in a book,
"What day is it?" asked Pooh.
"It's today," squeaked Piglet.
"My favorite day." said Pooh.
I pray that everyday is your favorite day.
Until Next Time,
Simply, love it.