It is getting to that time of year, when leaves begin to change around here. Fall is beginning and it is something entirely new to me.
This morning I had to drive up to Lexington, crossing over the Kentucky River, and this is the view I got to take in.
It is absolutely amazing and I am thankful that I get to look at this two times a week as I drive. Like I stated above, I had to head to Lexington early this morn, and what makes this spot so wonderful is how the fog just sits in every nook and cranny of the hills. It finds its way in and out of the trees, calmly strolling across the high way, softly sitting atop the river. It is awesome.
Another great thing about this drive, and specifically crossing over the Kentucky River, is that cell phone reception is virtually non existent. Usually my drive home consists of calling relatives back home, but once I hit this point, I have to hang up and call back once I am home. And I am perfectly ok with that.
Technology is a great thing. It has done some unbelievable things for us. Sent men to the moon, created Siri, brought us all the lovable character of Mario and allowed us to connect with individuals all around the world through Facebook. But at times, I do feel life would be simpler without it. It's times like these, when I get to drive over the Kentucky River, that I rarely notice. I become so dependent on the 4 inch lighted screen that sits in my cup holder that I miss all the beauty that God has placed around me. And I am sure a lot of us are like this. We begin to become unaware of God's majestic beauty.
So many say "Prove God exists". I feel like all you should have to say is look around. Look at the leaves changing, the snow falling, the waves crashing, the thunder rumbling, the lighting flashing, and the sun shining.
...If it only it were that easy.
Nature is a beautiful thing. Don't forget to take time and embrace it. Before you know it, there won't be any left.
It is like the movie Wall-E. All those people on that big space ship, hypnotized by technology, forgetting about everything they once knew. I can only pray society does not get to that point.
A really cool thing happened this week in the Doyle Compound.
We found out that we are having a baby girl!! We are beyond excited. Stephanie Boxx's face looks real mean, and displeased, but I promise she was happy.
Anyways, we can not wait to bring Fenway Eden Doyle into the world and meet her face to face. She is a very healthy baby, and is growing very well.
You know, it's a funny thing. I always pictured having a boy. I don't know why, but I always dreamed of having a boy, and getting to do awesome boy things. Teach him to surf, how to ride a skateboard, have wicked knuckle ball, and a beyond soft touch with a soccer ball. And it has come to my attention that I can do all the same things with a little girl.
Am I going to have a little princess, pink loving, fluffy clothing, tutu wearing girl?? By no means. She will be the coolest, fire starting, sling shot making, soccer playing, wave catching, concrete pushing, ivory playing, string strumming, God loving, Chuck wearing, folk/hipster girl you've ever seen!
Plus, I get the opportunity to some day, own a gun a clean it in front of some young lad who dares to win my beautiful daughters heart. A little eccentric maybe, but isn't that what being a dad is all about?
Fenway is going to be a champ and I can not wait to see her thrive.
Thursday nights call for selfie's with your dog.
And then pictures of him...
I am going to end today with a proverb. It comes from chapter 21. It states, "Whoever closes his ear to the cry of the poor will himself call out and not be answered."
I saw a video just yesterday that had a young individual in it. He was posing as a homeless person, and anyone who came up to give him money, he would return it to them with a twenty dollar bill. His motive was he wanted to give to those who give. The majority of the film was of people giving and how excited some got when receiving over double what they gave. But for a short period at the beginning of the film, it showed those who called him worthless, told him to get a job, get away from the front of their store, and to work like everyone else.
It was quite sad. And again, at the very end, he came across a middle aged woman who was begging on the streets. She looked well dressed, had kids (not with her), and was simply trying to get a few bucks. He proceeded to talk to her about being homeless and pan handling, and how hard it is, especially when there are those who abuse it. Use money to buy drugs and alcohol, rather then get cleaned up and get food, and it effects all the other homeless people. People assume all homeless are like this. She thought he was homeless all along, until he pulled out a $20 dollar bill and gave it to her. She instantly started balling. Asked if she could hug him and shook her head. She could not understand why he was doing this for her.
See Jesus loves the poor and loves people in general. We are called to be witnesses to those around us. We are called to help those around us who are less fortunate then we are. It's not a matter of your motive and the reason behind your giving, but the fact that you are willing to do so. You are willing to sacrifice just a little of your wealth so that someone else can have a chance.
Jesus says in Matthew 25, "Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these, you did it to me." Just before this He claims that those who fed Him, clothed Him, visited Him and helped Him will enter the Kingdom. But they can't understand why. They never did this for Him? And so he claims that what ever you do to those around you, you do for me as well.
Let's be a community that loves on people, helps the poor and strives to make Jesus' name known to those around us. It is not just a dollar you are giving someone, or a t-shirt, or some water and food. It is hope. It is encouragement. It is love.
This is a community of Middle Schoolers, praying before school that God would use them to reach their classmates, teachers, and sports teams. Some 60 kids. Seems we have a lot to learn from our younger generation.
Timmy Ham, creator of @iamsloth, said this in a recent status update,
"Wake up and be awesome."
We all have a choice when we wake up...make the right one.
Until next time,